Tuesday 12 June 2012

So Little Time and So Much To Do and Read!

Here are the PD events I'm attending over the summer to help me prepare for the classroom in September:
My goal is to use Blended Learning in my teaching practice.  Blended Learning is combination of eLearning and Face to Face Learning.  I'm hoping that if I incorporate technology into the classroom it will help the students to become motivated self-directed learners.  This past year, I've tried to attend as many workshops as I can on digital citizenship.  Two books I found extremely helpful were:

Digital Tools for Teaching: 30 e-Tools for Collaborating, Creating, and Publishing Across the Curriculum by Steve Johnson

Digital Tools for Teaching: 30 E-Tools for Collaborating, Creating, and Publishing Across the Curriculum


Keepin' it Real: Integrating New Literacies Into Classroom Practice by Lisa Donohue

Keepin' It Real: Integrating New Literacies With Classroom Practice

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