
Friday, 19 July 2013

Liebster - Loving All of Those Blogs that Keep the Learning Going!

Liebster: Discover New Blogs

Thank you Sheri Edwards at What Else for including me in your nominations for this fun award. It is a great way to recognize those of us who are “smaller” bloggers —  with fewer than 200 followers. What a great way to help us to connect!  I am thrilled to be included!

Liebster Nomination Rules
1. Link back to the blog that nominated you.
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
3. Answer the questions posted for you by the nominator.
4. Share 11 random facts about you.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
6. Contact your nominees to inform them of their nomination.

Well, I'm not sure how many followers each of these blogs have.  I am still so new to all of this, I don't know how to find out!  But these are some of my "go-to" blogs that I find myself checking out again and again!

My Nominees:
1. Aviva: Living Avivaloca
2. Rick McCleary:  Mr. McCleary's Musings
5. Laurie: Global Grade Threes (classroom blog) Professional Ponderings (Professional Blog)

My answers to Sheri's questions:

1. Why do you blog?
To reflect on what I have learned.  I have always found that in writing, I think.  I don't really write for an audience, but I admit, knowing someone else might be reading what I write pushes me to think harder.  

2. What’s the most important thing a teacher can do for his or her students?
The most important thing a teacher can do for his/her students is build a caring relationship with them. If you build a mutually caring relationship, everything else falls into place.  You will know that child as an individual and do your utmost to help him/her succeed.  The child in turn will trust you and feel safe to take risks. 

3. What’s the most important thing a teacher can do for his or her colleagues?
Same thing, build trusting and caring relationships so that you can help each other grow as professionals.

4. If you could change one physical thing about your classroom, what would it be?
No teacher desk! No student desks!

5. Describe one of your most memorable classroom experiences.
Dancing on the desks with my students after a math test that every single child got an "A" on.  I really believe that if you tailor instruction to a child's needs, everyone can succeed.  

6. What memorable experience do you hope your students have?
No individual memory, I want them to remember how much fun we had all year learning together.

7. How many students/teachers do you have at your school?
There are 285 students and about 14 teachers.  

8. What is your favorite classroom use of technology?
Oh, that's a toughy! I think I'd have to say using the iPads to make movies.  It encompassed so much learning, from researching, writing scripts, filming, editing... they used the iPads for every portion of the video making, and were so engaged.  Every child felt needed and a part of something big.

9. Who/what is your teaching inspiration?
I have many teaching inspirations, but I'd have to say that Twitter has been the biggest inspiration for me this year. 

10. What is 1 teaching goal you have for this school year?
Well, I am moving into a new consulting role.  My number one goal this year is to inspire teachers to open up their classrooms. 

11. In six words, what is your teaching philosophy?
Know your students as individual learners.

Eleven Random Facts About Me
1. I am married to the kindest most patient man in the world
2. I have three adult children who make sure my head never gets too big
3. I have two dogs and a cat who always remind me that it is good that I am here on this earth 
4. I just bought a new Mac and I'm LOVING IT!
5. I love to swim, I think I was a dolphin in a previous life
6. I love to read, read, and read some more, anything, anywhere, any time
7. I believe knowledge is meant to be shared and questioned
8. I love walking on snow that crunches
9. I've learned you can take the girl out of Montreal but you can never take Montreal out of the girl
10. AT 93 years old, I still think my Grandma is cool
11. I'm an extrovert that could easily become a hermit because of the Internet

Eleven Questions for my Nominees'
1. Why did you go into teaching?
2. What do you love most about your job?
3. How do you use technology in your class or school?
4. How many students attend your school?
5. If you could change one thing about Education, what would it be?
6. What do you do after a bad day? 
7. What is one of your proudest moments in Education?
8. Whose blog are you always excited to read and why?
9. What is one of your professional goals for next year? 
10. What is your favourite inspirational quote for Education?
11. Why do you blog?


  1. Lorraine, what a lovely, lovely surprise this morning to see your tweet for this nomination! Thank you SO much for sharing your appreciation for our classroom blog ... it has been SUCH an amazing learning journey! I had a TON of fun writing this blog post - thank you SO much for the opportunity. This was HOOT to write ... and to choose other bloggers to nominate. Because of you I now have some NEW blogs to visit too! Here is my post:

    Laurie :)

  2. Lorraine, I'd love to echo Laurie's thoughts! It was such a wonderful surprise to be nominated and alongside such fantastic bloggers. I really enjoyed writing my own nomination post, and I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to do so. Here's a link to my post:

    Thanks again!

  3. Lorraine, I can see why you are moving to consultant -- you have experienced yourself what it takes to be a great teacher. You understand about relationships being key, and the world has changed so our classrooms can no longer be behind closed doors. I have so enjoyed your teaching posts, and look forward to your inspiring ideas for your staff.

    I have two cats and a dog, and my Mac at age 3 is still a powerhouse for creativity! This winter when I crack that crunchy snow, I will smile knowing your are crunching snow too! Have a great year, and I can't wait to read the blogs you have introduced me to. Have a great year! Sheri


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