
Friday, 11 January 2013


I'm really stepping out of my comfort zone now.  I am going to join my first MOOC - Massive Open Online Course.  I'm hoping I can figure it all out, and that my fellow-bloggers will be patient with me.  I"m really excited, but kind of nervous too.  I think it is important to put myself in the role of "student"; it helps me appreciate what my own students are going through every time I ask them to take a risk and go out on a limb. 

As part of the MOOC, I will be posting/sharing all of the work for my course here under the label "ETMOOC".


  1. Thanks for joining us! I have your blog now connected to the ETMOOC blog hub

  2. I'm sure there will be many first timers (including me). We're in good hands it seems, and we'll all learn together.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I think you are right, we seem to be in very good hands!

  3. What is the course? And... I have now come to the conclusion that you don't sleep at all... ever! <3

    1. Yes, well, sort of... It is a "course" in the very general sense of the word. It is "open" learning. We have set topics and times to "meet", but how much you share and whom you connect with is up to you. Honestly, it is the most awesome way to learn. You've got all the support you need, (there are people "out there" to answer your questions at every step), but there are no marks, no credits, all the learning is just that - learning for learning's sake.
      I found it on Twitter! You've got to check out Twitter; there is so much to learn out there!


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